The company is registered in 1948 as a sole proprietorship Rudolf zur Bonsen in the commercial register Dusseldorf. At that time difficult material procurement problems initially only allow production of small transformers and reactance transformers for the rapidly expanding light advertising.
A first extension product is the production of water-cooled high-power transformers up to 100 kA. This soon follow variable transformers and, as a logical consequence rectifiers for galvanic applications up to an output of 250 kW, then still with oil-water-cooled selenium valves.
The just emerging transductor technology is intensively addressed and successfully - also in electroplating - used. The largest transducer adjusting device with 2.3 megawatts power output goes to the Nuclear Research Center Karlsruhe and is still in operation today.
This Research Centre suggested the development of liquid metal pumps after traveling wave principle. Zur Bonsen accepted this proposal and implemented in many types of services up to 140 cbm / h at 12 bar (sodium) and delivered to a number of European nuclear research institutes.
In parallel, the continuous production of electronically controlled and programmable DC power supply systems is further strengthened by some kW with minimum ripple and high stability and to extend to 1 MVA also in higher power ranges.
Top product of this line was the HV300 - a tube series regulated HV supply that is capable of switching 30kV / 10A on-off-on under load in the range of microseconds.
In 1988, already under the leadership of new chief and later general manager Mr. Steinfeld, the development and serial production of uninterruptible power supplies is in addition to the single and special production of power plants was promoted, initially mainly for industrial applications. Since 01.08.1990 the company will continue as a GmbH.
Apart from the continuous production of HV-DC supply for electron beam applications a further project development is completed. The production is enlarged to mobile and stationary AC and DC power supply units up to 150kW for different manufacturers of trains, railcars and coaches and operators of railway systems (see reference list).
In 1993/94, a product realization for the DWA hall with an installed Total Power of 1.25 MW is done. A requirement of the customer is in this context, the continuous control and switching off and under full load and full voltage (AC and DC up to 6 kV).
Based on the economic success the company moved into a new building in Aug 1996 and relocated the company headquarters to Meerbusch. The new building contributes with more than 1,300 sqm of office and production space to space requirements into account growing and provides the basis for further economic growth.
In this context, the company also obtained a new name after the founder is already for several years in retirement. The company's new name is PowerSources GmbH, which at the same time defines a clearer description of the production center and mission of the company.
In the new location „Hermann High Voltage Transformers“ were acquired and the dry line of high voltage transformers was developed up to 200kV. Remarkable designs like the compact Tekla Insulation transformers supporting accellerator systems and high power RF sources worldwide followed.
Under the latest developments are the ultra compact HVDC high voltage tester which offers a maximum safety for the operator although testing voltages are up to 100kV.